About Us

HornInformant Group is composed of a team of qualified professionals who have diverse backgrounds and expertise in various fields related to the Somaliland and Horn of Africa. Our team members have academic qualifications from reputable institutions around the world. The team members also have practical working experience with different organizations in the region, such as governments, NGOs, international organizations, media outlets and private sector entities.

HornInformant Group has a network of contacts and sources in Somaliland and Horn of Africa who provide valuable information and insights to the us. Our network includes local researchers, analysts, journalists, activists, civil society leaders, community elders, religious leaders, businesspeople, and government officials.

HornInformant Group is committed to providing its clients with professional services that meet their needs and expectations. The organization adheres to the principles of integrity, quality, confidentiality and accountability in its work. The HornInformant Group strives to contribute to the development and stability of Somaliland and Horn of Africa through its work.


HornInformant Group envisions a peaceful, prosperous and integrated Horn of Africa that offers opportunities for growth and development for its people.


HornInformant Group’s mission is to provide high-quality research, business strategy consulting, security threat and intelligence advises, project management, and guide investment opportunities for its clients who are interested in the Horn of Africa.

2.0. What We do?

2.1. Research

HornInformant Group conducts research on various topics such as governance, democracy, economic development, social and culture, peace and conflicts, human rights, migration, investment, trade and media in Somaliland and Horn of Africa countries. HornInformant Group uses a variety of methods and sources, such as interviews, surveys, focus groups, literature review, data analysis and media monitoring. The group produces high-quality reports, briefs, articles, and presentations that present the findings and recommendations of the research.

2.2. Security Threat And Intelligence Analysis

HornInformant Group provides security threat analysis and intelligence on the current and emerging security challenges and risks in Somaliland and Horn of Africa. The institution monitors and analyzes the activities and intentions of various actors, such as terrorist groups, militias, criminal networks, regional state actors and global powers. We also assess the impact of security threats on the stability, peace, and development of the region. The group delivers timely and actionable security alerts, updates, assessments and forecasts to its clients.

2.3. Project Management

HornInformant Group offers project management services for various types of projects in Somaliland and Horn of Africa, such as humanitarian, development, governance, education, health and infrastructure projects. The group provides end-to-end project management solutions, from planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to reporting our relevant clients.

While doing such services, our institution also ensures compliance with the standards, regulations and policies of the donors, partners, and beneficiaries of the projects.

2.4. Business Strategic Consulting

HornInformant Group provides business strategic consulting services for clients who are interested in doing business or investing in the country, Somaliland and the Horn of Africa. HornInformant Group helps clients identify and evaluate the opportunities and challenges in the region’s markets, sectors, and industries. We also assist clients with developing and implementing effective business strategies, plans and models that can optimize their performance and profitability in the region.

2.5. Investment Opportunities

HornInformant Group facilitates investment opportunities for clients who want to invest in Somaliland and Horn of Africa. The group connects clients with potential partners, stakeholders, and intermediaries in the region. We also provide due diligence, feasibility studies, market research, risk analysis and legal advice for clients who want to invest in these countries.

2.6. Recruitment and Executive Search Service

We provide recruitment and executive search service for our clients who are looking for qualified and competent staff for their operations in the region. We have access to a large pool of candidates with diverse backgrounds, skills and experiences.